• 雪蘭莪洪氏公會


1. 本会为社团机构,租用礼堂之用途,不得有伤风化或不健康活动,租用时必须阐明用途,本会理事会持租与否最后决定权。
As an association, the use of hall shall not involve activities that are unhealthy. Applicants shall state the purpose of usage and the committee of association has the discretion to approve or reject the application. 

2. 凡有意租雪兰莪洪氏公会九豹夫妇礼堂,须事先於三个月前向本会申请。

Application for renting Hall shall be made three months in advance to committee of association. 

3. 如有同日及同时间租用礼堂,以申请书收到之先后为准。
Approval of usage shall be based on First Come First Serve basis. 

4. 租用礼堂捐献收费请参阅租用雪兰莪洪氏公会九豹夫妇宗亲礼堂捐献表。
Payment contributions for the hall are listed in the Contribution List for renting of hall. 

5. 租用者必须在申请时付所规定押底金 RM1200。此押底金於租用日之后,若无任何事故及损坏,将悉数退还。此外,请於租用日一星期前以支票缴清所有捐款,若逾期沒处理上述事宜,本会恕不保留使用场地权及沒收所付押底金。
User shall pay deposit RM1200 when application. The deposit fee will be refunded after the events, provided everything is in order. Full contribution amount must be made by cheque one weeks before the date of hall use. Failure to pay full contribution will not guarantee the reservation of the hall and deposit will be forfeited. 

Contribution is payable by cheque to SELANGOR ANG CLAN ASSOCIATION(PBB3156326236)

7. 批准申请者租用礼堂后,租用者不得转让场地予他人,如获悉转让属实,本会有权终止其使用权,所缴付之任何费用恕不予退还。
Usage of the hall is not transferable. The committee reserves the right to stop the hall being used and forfeit the deposit should any transfer of usage is discovered. 

8. 租借时间以四小时为准(6.00pm-10pm),超时每小时将收取 RM300(冷气费)。
Usage time is 4 hours(6.00pm-10.00pm), over time will charged RM300 per hour. 

9. 礼堂以及舞台之原有设备,不得隨意更动,如有任何损坏,将从押底金扣除费用。
Facilities in the hall should not be moved or removed,any damage will be charged from deposit. 

Tables, Chairs, lighting and audio-visual equipment are available from rent. However, tenant are not allowed installation additional equipment without prior permission from the Committee. Stage lighting and audio-visual will be operated and maintained only by the association personnel. 

No double sided tape, thumb tacks are to be allowed on the stage curtain and the surroundings. Decoration and banners should be hanged on the horizontal frame provided. They should be light as the frame can withstand only limited weight. Alldecorations in the hall must be made same day of the actual rental date and users must seek approval from the committee of longer time for decoration is needed.

Stage flooring is constructed high quality wood, great care must be exercised to keep clean and in good condition. 

No performance that involves which are dangerous such as the use of chemical or explosive material shall be allowed. 

Only light and fans will be provided during rehearsal and decoration before event. 

Users are responsible for clearing and cleaning up the decorating materials after the activities end. They must ensure that there is no left over material in association premises. Users shall move the tables and chairs in the hall to both side of the hall after event. Food Caterer should remove the leftover food and garbage from the hall premises and put into garbage bin provided. The deposit will be refunded after the Committee conducted the inspection. Deduction from the deposit will be made if there are any damage or uncleanliness. 

The association is a non-smoking area. To avoid air pollution, smoking is thus prohibited in the air-con hall surrounding . 

Should any accident or any untoward incidents occur due to the users, compensation to any damages of equipment of the hall will be borne by the users. 

If there are any occurrences of unpredictable events, such as power failure, fire and other emergencies during the period of using. 

All invited guests and participants should park their vehicles in the allocated parking space provided. This is to ensure smooth traffic flow in the association premises while the function is going on. 

All activities in the hall should end before 11p.m.to avoid disturbance to the surrounding. Clearing and cleaning in the hall should end before 12a.m. 

20.若有任何询问,请联络本会礼堂管理人 03-31913293. 表格可通过网站 http://www.selangclan.gbs2u.com 下载。
Any inquiries shall be directed to the secretariat at 03-31913293. Please download the application form from our website at http://www.selangclan.gbs2u.com 

The committee reserves the right to reject applicants that do not comply with the rules stipulated above. If the above rules are not clear, it will be referred to the committee for amendment.



雪兰莪洪氏公会订于2024年3月30日(星期六)颁发会员子女学业优良奖励金。 凡是缴清年捐,入会满一年之会员,其子女品行B等以上,学业成绩符合条件者均...


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